Author: S.L. Dunn
Publication: Prospect Hill Press, July 2014
Reviewed by: Stephanie
Rating: 4 stars
Reason for Reviewing: Ebook provided in exchange for an honest review
Above a horrified New York City, genetics and ethics collide as the fallen emperor and a banished exile of the same herculean race ignite into battle over the city’s rooftops. In the streets below, a brilliant young scientist has discovered a technology that can defeat them both, yet might be more terrible than either.
Set both in modern New York City and in the technologically sophisticated yet politically savage world of Anthem, Anthem’s Fall unfurls into a plot where larger than life characters born with the prowess of gods are pitted against the shrewd brilliance of a familiar and unlikely heroine.

A story of beings with the strength of gods causing the genocide of neighboring planets while tampering with genetic organisms to further their own yeah, that sounds like my kind of book. When I read the synopsis for this book I was extremely impatient to devour each page. The beginning starts off very slow so please keep with the story and soldier through. I know I kept having to stop and refresh myself with a caffeinated beverage before diving back into Kristen Jordan's chapters in the story. I’m not sure what I didn’t like about this character. Maybe it was that I didn’t really get to know her much and she just sounded a bit white and black with no shades of grey. I wanted her to become a kick ass character or shock me, but nope... all she did was blush when people said she looked way too young. I still have faith she could redeem herself in the second book so fingers crossed.
I truly enjoyed the chapters about Anthem and the Primus race. I found that whole Sejero upgrade race thing fascinating and how the Felixes turned on their masters. These scenes were kinda gory but I’m not a squeamish type so if you are just a heads up. I just wanted more backstory about this savage planet and the inhabitants that coldly devalue other’s life that are not Primus. Perhaps I’m partial to science fiction intergalactic alien themes and just wanted more Anthem but was only given a glance. I know...I know, patience young padawan. Haha.
The recurring thought that drifts off the pages is just how far, for example, will the human race go to tamper with genetics? Indeed that is the question and very valid one at that. I think what freaked me out the most about this story was the possibility of creating a life form such as an animal or human with unmeasurable strength. I can hear that scene in Jurassic Park where Dr. Malcolm says, “Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should.” I think we rarely think if we should and in the case of Anthem, they fall victim to that same scenario. Well, before I get way off track here, let’s talk about the ending and the book as a whole, shall we?
The ending was just WOW and UGH and now I am left wanting mooooore! You wicked wicked author, S.L. Dunn! I know that I didn’t quite tell you what happened, but that would ruin the ending and we can’t have that. *wink* Just be prepared for what may come and is probably not what you expect at all. Okay, I’m done with the hints. You will get no more out of me unless you have a cookie. *sinister grin* Yes...yes I could tell you more for some cookies. *rubs hands together* Muahahaha!
Moving on to the book as a whole. Well, what can I say other than, this book has it’s dull moments which are in the very beginning, but once that is in your back mirror, it’s action scenes with super strength giants, creepy blue eyed murderous Felixes, a hunky exiled royal hero, bloody battlegrounds in Anthem/Chicago/New York, and cool Sejero names like Gravitas and Vengelis. So if these themes appeal to you, then I suggest you definitely get a copy of Anthem’s Fall today. I look forward to reading the next book, Herculaneum.
I truly enjoyed the chapters about Anthem and the Primus race. I found that whole Sejero upgrade race thing fascinating and how the Felixes turned on their masters. These scenes were kinda gory but I’m not a squeamish type so if you are just a heads up. I just wanted more backstory about this savage planet and the inhabitants that coldly devalue other’s life that are not Primus. Perhaps I’m partial to science fiction intergalactic alien themes and just wanted more Anthem but was only given a glance. I know...I know, patience young padawan. Haha.
The recurring thought that drifts off the pages is just how far, for example, will the human race go to tamper with genetics? Indeed that is the question and very valid one at that. I think what freaked me out the most about this story was the possibility of creating a life form such as an animal or human with unmeasurable strength. I can hear that scene in Jurassic Park where Dr. Malcolm says, “Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should.” I think we rarely think if we should and in the case of Anthem, they fall victim to that same scenario. Well, before I get way off track here, let’s talk about the ending and the book as a whole, shall we?
The ending was just WOW and UGH and now I am left wanting mooooore! You wicked wicked author, S.L. Dunn! I know that I didn’t quite tell you what happened, but that would ruin the ending and we can’t have that. *wink* Just be prepared for what may come and is probably not what you expect at all. Okay, I’m done with the hints. You will get no more out of me unless you have a cookie. *sinister grin* Yes...yes I could tell you more for some cookies. *rubs hands together* Muahahaha!
Moving on to the book as a whole. Well, what can I say other than, this book has it’s dull moments which are in the very beginning, but once that is in your back mirror, it’s action scenes with super strength giants, creepy blue eyed murderous Felixes, a hunky exiled royal hero, bloody battlegrounds in Anthem/Chicago/New York, and cool Sejero names like Gravitas and Vengelis. So if these themes appeal to you, then I suggest you definitely get a copy of Anthem’s Fall today. I look forward to reading the next book, Herculaneum.