We are happy for authors, publishers, or publicists to contact us directly about reviewing books.
We ask that you please honor our review policy below by only sending requests in our preferred genres only. Thank you!
We ask that you please honor our review policy below by only sending requests in our preferred genres only. Thank you!
Our preferred genres are:Contemporary, Historical and Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy, New Adult, and Young Adult.
**Please submit review requests for ONLY these genres!**
- We accept finished copies, ARCs, and e-books (PDF, ePub, &/or Mobi) for review. We will provide you with our mailing address or email where copies can be sent.
- Requests are accepted as interests and schedules allow. When accepted, we will do our very best to fulfill the request in a timely fashion. We cannot promise that all reviews will be positive but they will be fair and honest.
- We read and review on a first come/first serve or as per an agreed upon schedule. If you have a particular deadline or tour date in mind, this will be discussed upon acceptance of your request.
- When reviewing, we include: a brief summary (minimal/no spoilers), an image of the book cover, a direct link to the Goodreads page, and a direct link to the author's website and social media. Please provide any additional information that you would like included such as book trailers, promotional media, etc.
- Reviews will be posted on our blog and as well as GoodReads, Amazon, Facebook, and shared via Twitter.
- Review Policy is subject to change.