Thank You for Three Amazing Years!

Today is not just Cinco de Mayo.  
Today is also our 3rd blogoversary here at Book Soulmates! 

We can't thank you all enough for the three amazing years we've had! We started Book Soulmates on a whim at the suggestion of another blogger friend. We never expected it to become such a big part of our lives! It's not only broadened our literary horizons and taught us about the industry, but it's allowed us to make some incredible friends, fellow bloggers and authors alike, all around the world. 

Yes, it true that book blogging is time consuming and sometimes challenging.  There have been times that blogging has taken a back to seat to our lives.  However, there hasn't been a day where we didn't love it or not wanted to continue. The joy it has brought us far outweighs the responsibilities of it.  It has become as natural to us as eating, sleeping or going to work.  It's what we do - it's a part of us now!  We are book bloggers and we're proud to be able to say that.  

Even more amazing are the people we've met.  Do you guys even know how AWESOME you are?  Book bloggers are the most intelligent, clever, funny, kind, caring, hardworking, dedicated, generous people!  You guys have enriched our lives with your humor, support, and friendships and that means the world to us!!

So this is to YOU; our followers, our supporters and our friends!
Thank you for holding us up on our bad days and celebrating with us on our good ones (like today).

Happy Birthday to Book Soulmates!!

With lots of booky love,
Isalys & Vanessa


  1. Happy Birthday, Book Soulmates! You're the best :) Here's to an amazing fourth year of blogging filled with even more amazing books!

  2. Happy birthday book soulmates! :D


  3. Happy Blogaversary :D Here is to many more

  4. Happy birthday and many more great blogging days!

  5. Happy blogoversary! Three years is an AMAZING achievement. :)

  6. Happy BirthBlog Day!!! :D
    And, btw - I think your blog banner/header is so dang cute [wish I knew how to do that lol]

    Here's wishing you another epic 3 years!

  7. Happy blogoversary, ladies! :)

  8. Congratulations! Here's a good luck to your next year blogging! Well done! I hope to one day do as well as you two have!

  9. Happy blogoversary

    all the best

  10. ¡Felicidades! I'm so glad I ran into your blog somehow. You ladies are pure awesomeness! I hope to continue getting to know you through your blogging adventures :-)

  11. Happy Blogoversary ladies! :)

  12. Oh wow. Happy anniversary!

    My 3rd year is the 25th of June.

    Time sure does soar by when you're having fun doesn't it?

  13. how awesome! happy blogaversary to you!!!! love this blog :)

  14. Happy Blogoversary! Yay! *throws confetti*

  15. Happy Blog Birthday! Here's to many more.

  16. I LOVE YOU LADIES!!!!!!!!!! If it weren't for blogging, you wouldn't be in my life. So YAY! ♥

  17. wow, you guys have been blogging for such a long time! Happy 3rd blogoversary! :) I just found your blog...happy to say that I'm your latest follower. x

  18. Happy Birthday to you guys!!! Here is to another good few years of happy blogging! Cheers! ;)))

  19. Happy Blogoversary! *pops the poppers* :D

  20. Congrats on 4th blogoversery Book Soulmates! =D

  21. Happy blog birthday to you! *Hums b-day tune* Congrats. You guys are AWESOME!

  22. How awesome!!! Happy Blogoversary!!!


  23. Happy Birthday.

  24. Happy Blogoversary! Here's wishing you many more, all the books you can/want to read and best wishes :)

  25. Happy Blogoversary girls! I am so glad I found you, otherwise local book events wouldn't be as much fun :)


  26. Happy Birthday Book Soulmates! You guys have an awesome blog and I have every faith that you will continue to put out fabulous posts. Keep up the good work ladies. =)

  27. Yay!!!! Congrats darlings!!!! Love you soooo much!!

  28. Happy anniversary! And thank you. :D

  29. Happy blog birthday! So glad I discovered your blog this year!

  30. This is awesome!!!!! Congratulations to you both! 3 years of blogging is a LOT of work!! <3


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