Sneaky Peek: Eclipse Movie Posters

This is the original poster released for the 3rd movie in the Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

Not to shabby for a starter poster!

Now here is the new OFFICIAL poster for Eclipse featuring our beloved trio!

Much better =)
Kristen (aka Bella) actually looks really pretty here.
Rob and Taylor are looking studly as usual!

How do you guys like it?


  1. I like how much Bella has changed appeareance wise throughout the films. She looks so much older in Eclipse compared to the Twilight posters

  2. Ooh love them both! She does look pretty in that one.

  3. Love it! They look fantastic! Now I'm REALLY excited to go see the movie!

  4. I think this is such a pretty poster. I love how Edward looks so light and Jacob all dark... prrrrr

    No complaints here!

  5. OMG I love it I can't wait for this movie to come out

  6. Can't wait for the movie!!!
    It would be a perfect poster if Edward and Bella were out..oh well
    He he he just kidding..sort of :)


  7. ♥ I lOve all of the Charrecters in All ov the films that they made together and i hope that they will bring another film out just as good I THINk Bella is Pritty in all of the films that she has been filmed in and Edward, and Jake are just soo dreammy... Ommmpppffttt..


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