The war between otherworlders and humans changed Earth beyond recognition. It also saved Bride McKells’s life. Before, the gorgeous vampire was a target for every fanatic with a stake and a crucifix. Now she’s free to roam the streets—and desperate to find others of her kind. One man claims to have the answers she seeks. Devyn, King of the Targons, is a warrior and a womanizer, and he makes no secret of how much he wants Bride—and how dangerous he could be to her in every way.
An avid collector of women, Devyn easily seduces human and otherworlder alike. Until now. Not only does Bride resist him, but she leaves Devyn feeling something entirely new...a bone-deep need bordering on obsession. Her blood is the key to curing a vicious alien disease, but helping Bride uncover her origins will compel her to choose between electrifying passion and a destiny that could tear her from Devyn’s side forever.
I have been on a hot streak lately - reading one good book after another - and this one definitely makes the top of my charts!! Devyn (I love that name) is a completely egotistical, narcissistic & delicious womanizer who likes to "bed" women of all shapes, sizes & races. Bride is independent, capable and thinks she's the last vampire left on earth and has very little tolerance for Deyvn's antics. After a chance meeting, Bride finds out that Devyn has someone she wants so she decides to take someone he wants - after all, it's only fair right? Let the cat & mouse games begin...
During the course of the book, you learn that there is a lot more to Devyn and Bride than meets the eye - including the recently acquired knowledge that Bride's blood holds the cure to a deadly alien disease. (Don't be fooled folks - this may come across as a "bit out there" but it's really very good.)
I loved these characters! They were sarcastic, vain, tough and completely charming. Devyn was so much fun to read about and Bride complimented him perfectly. The dynamic between them is irresistible not to mention Devyn's relationship with his best friend Dallas cracked me up (typical guys). One of my favorite things about this story is the evolution and growth of the characters. In the beginning, Devyn and Bride were perfectly content to live their lives alone, but they come to realize and eventually accept that they need each other more than they ever expected to.
Gena did a great job laying the foundation for this story and then following through. From the prologue (a moment in Devyn's adolescence that explains why he becomes the way he does; you also get sneak peeks at Bride's youth as well) to the climax of the story (which you'll just have to read to find out about). Note: This book is a part of the Alien Huntress series, but it stands on its own. However, now I fully intend on picking up more of Gena's books :)
I give this book ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

♥ Isalys
We have 5 Copies available of Seduce the Darkness by Gena Showalter
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