Jillian is in a rut! Her life has become a mindless routine of cleaning house, power walks, a crying baby and a husband that she sees between business trips. One day, while walking with a friend, she's told that her ex is engaged to be married. Surprisingly, even though her and Jackson have been apart for years, this bit of news knocks some of the wind out of her. She's left wondering if she's made the right decisions in her life. What if she stayed with Jackson instead of marrying Henry? What if she hadn't quit her job at the ad agency or sold her Manhattan apartment?
What if....?While trying to cope with this news, she pays a visit to her masseuse who tells her that she needs to 'unblock her chi'. Well, he must have been one heck of a masseuse because he didn't just 'unblock her chi', but he unknowingly sent her back 7 years in time. She wakes to find herself 7 years younger and in her Manhattan apartment with Jackson and still working at the ad agency. However, she still has the memories of her current (now future?) life. Armed with twenty/twenty hindsight, she's determined to carve out a different future for herself.
Using her memory cheat sheet, she is able to avoid old arguments, get work done more efficiently, and be prepared for important life altering moments & decisions. What she later realizes is that all those adjustments that she makes don't just affect her, but affect those around her as well. Life seems to be going better the second time around. Her job is flourishing, her relationship with Jackson is becoming permanent, and her friendships are growing stronger...but she cannot shake the memories of Henry or her daughter Katie. There is a certain emptiness that lingers. It also doesn't help that Henry makes several appearances in her past prompting her to consider whether he really is her future.
This is one of those books that really makes you think. What if we got a second chance at life? Would we do things differently?
Jillian's character was very easy to relate to. We've all felt at times like we're spinning our wheels and getting no where. Her frustrations all seemed normal and given the opportunity to go back into our own past, we'd probably make very similar decisions to hers. What I loved about this story isn't just how we connect to the characters, but about the lessons that are learned. Jillian became unhappy because she conformed...she didn't speak up when she should have and she settled for what seemed to be the "right" life. There is no right life...it's what we make it!
Once this book grabs you, it doesn't let you go. You become eager to see who she'll end up with or how her future will be affected by this trip to her past. By the end of the book, even I felt like I learned a lesson or two :)
I give this book ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥