US vs. UK (Round 5)

Welcome back to US vs. UK - Round 5

Today, we pair up The Devouring (series) by Simon Holt.

The Devouring (Book # 1)

Soulstice (Book # 2)

US (left) vs. UK (right)

Tricky, tricky! Although I'm not particularly crazy about having people on book covers (because it detracts from the vision I have in my head of what a character should look like), I am a sucker for that smokey effect. I also often find myself drawn to simpler covers. I like the U.S. covers because of the colors, the sadness they convey and that "being swallowed by smoke" thing it's got going on.

However! I haven't read these books but I'm told that they're quite scary and they give you the heebie-jeebies in which case the UK covers hit their mark. The cover for book 1 is downright creepy and I wouldn't want to be looking at that thing while reading by myself at night.
I actually like both covers but I might have to give my vote to UK on this one for the creep-out factor that seems to be more in-tuned with the storyline.

I have to give my vote to US! The other one is awesome creepy BUT...I really like the style of the US covers. I love their simplicity and I really like the smokey effect of each cover. The other covers are too "childish" for me. (Even though I actually do like the creepiness of it, lol)

Other blogs participating in this meme are: The Book Shopaholic, The Bloody Bookaholic, and Wondrous Reads. Check out their blogs and vote on their selections for the week =)


  1. US
    The UK ones are mad creepy
    Eeeek ;)

  2. On the first one I like both xD I like the creepiness of the UK but also like the simplicity and elegance of the US one. On the second one I go all US, the UK cover was poorly done xD

  3. I like both, but am not morbid enough for UK.

    Go US Go!

  4. Im from the uk and i hate the UK covers YUK but the US ones are calling to my heart.

  5. I have to vote for the US. The UK ones are just creepy.

  6. I have the UK version but I like the US better.Uk is so creepy!However,the US version is a bit misleading IMO.

  7. US hands down for both of them. The UK ones don't really give the right vibe for the books. Plus they are gross and I probably would have been put off by them.

  8. I would have picked the UK covers(because they are creepy and awesome!) but I find they could have been done a bit better.. So, I'll choose US!

  9. My vote is for the US!! The UK covers look kinda boyish. I know my 6th grade boys would pick up the UK ones.


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