April is Month of Indie Epicness

You guys have heard us talking about our Super Sekrit Project for a while now and it's finally time for the big reveal!

*drum roll please*


We are dedicating [almost] the entire month of April to some of our nearest & dearest Indie Author pals and their awesome books!

We've lined up four indie authors and they are each getting an ENTIRE WEEK to promote their book(s) on our blog. We're including reviews, giveaways, guest posts and more!

It's going to be EPIC!

The line up includes:
The schedule goes as follows:
Grab the button and help spread the indie love!!



  1. What an awesome idea. Congratulations!

  2. Oh I cannot wait! What an awesome idea and you've got some great authors in the mix! I love me some Merrick and Grey!!

  3. Yahooooooo! You rock the casbah, ladies!

  4. I'm most honored and humbled to be included in this massively awesome project. Thanks, ladies!

  5. Holy smokes!!You weren't messing around when you said "epic"!! Yeah, this is pretty wicked awesome, you guys!! Thank you soooo much for inviting me! And look at all the beyond awesome bloggers involved too!! EPIC!!! *rubs hands together* ;)

  6. Just grabbed the button, thanks ladies. =) Looking forward to all of it. Especially Jenny Pox!!

  7. Grabbed the button this morning. Great idea ladies!


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