But did you know that it has to do with the most infamous "vampire" of all, Dracula! Or rather, the person that the character of Dracula is based on...

How much do you know about Vlad The Impaler?
1. How did Vlad III get his surname "Dracula"?
2. Where is Vlad III believed to have been born and in what year?
3. What was his native country?
4. Who captured & imprisoned him and for how long?
5. What were the years of his reign?
6. The number of his victims [allegedly] range from ____ to ____?
7. His preferred and most famous method of torture was impalement, but what other methods did his practice?
8. How did he finally die?
9. Transylvania is credited with the legend of the vampire, but where did it truly originate? (Hint: It's a region, not a specific country)
10. Bram Stoker borrowed the name Dracul/Dracula for his novel, but who else is believed to have inspired the creature of his story? (Hint: Another historical figure)
Rules:2. Where is Vlad III believed to have been born and in what year?
3. What was his native country?
4. Who captured & imprisoned him and for how long?
5. What were the years of his reign?
6. The number of his victims [allegedly] range from ____ to ____?
7. His preferred and most famous method of torture was impalement, but what other methods did his practice?
8. How did he finally die?
9. Transylvania is credited with the legend of the vampire, but where did it truly originate? (Hint: It's a region, not a specific country)
10. Bram Stoker borrowed the name Dracul/Dracula for his novel, but who else is believed to have inspired the creature of his story? (Hint: Another historical figure)
• All answers must be submitted via EMAIL only to
booksoulmates [at] gmail [dot] com.
• Please post a comment saying that your answers have been sent so we can make sure they're received.
• Each question is worth 1 extra point for a potential maximum of 10 points.
• Each point is redeemable for an extra entry in the giveaways.
(that's up to 10 extra entries)
• Everyone has until Wednesday, 10.7.09 to submit their answers for this quiz.
booksoulmates [at] gmail [dot] com.
• Please post a comment saying that your answers have been sent so we can make sure they're received.
• Each question is worth 1 extra point for a potential maximum of 10 points.
• Each point is redeemable for an extra entry in the giveaways.
(that's up to 10 extra entries)
• Everyone has until Wednesday, 10.7.09 to submit their answers for this quiz.
NOTE: Answers submitted to this quiz will be applied to entries for
The Historian and The Smart One and The Pretty One

I sent you my answers!
melacan at hotmail dot com