We love doing our VLOGS!! It gives us an excuse to get together, talk for hours and just have fun while we tell you all about the new goodies we've received. Plus you get a feel for what we're like as people...which let's face it, is probably kinda scary! LOL
One of the joys of Vlogging [and blogging] is being able to share our thoughts, ideas, new books and antics with others while getting feedback from you guys, our readers & followers!
However, we've come to realize that since vlogging is relatively new, there is no real way to network our videos...so we basically sit back and hope you guys find it on your dashboard!
We decided to take matters into our own hands and come up with two easy-peasy ways for you to share your VLOG with others.
1- We created a group on BookBlogs.Ning where others can post links to their vlogs. We know that BookBlogs.Ning may be short-lived, but we figured we'd use the time that's left to our advantage.
You can join [HERE].
2- In the spirit of the Blog Hop hosted by Crazy-For-Books, we have included a Mister Linky below where you guys can share the link to your VLOG right here on Book ♥ Soulmates.
Our goal is to give you guys an opportunity to get your VLOGS out there. We know it's not always easy finding the time to record the video, upload it to YouTube (which takes hours) and then still have to create the post. Your hard work is appreciated!
So go ahead and enter you link below!
Besides, maybe you'll discover some great new blogs in the process :)