Today is New Release day and I'm extra excited about one new release in particular Just Breathe by Kendall Grey.
A brief history. . .
I started this series with the first book INHALE last April and immediately fell in love with the incredible story and world-building. I am not exaggerating when I say that there's isn't anything I don't love about this series. Kendall gives us a unique, vibrant, mysterious world filled with characters you will either love, hate or possibly get turned on by *sigh*
The story is not the best part though. Kendall has a mad love for our whale friends and is donating ALL THE PROFITS earned from the sales of her Just Breathe Trilogy to whale education! I know, right? She has poured her heart and soul into these books and is giving away every penny earned to the cause she's most passionate about. And because Kendall's heart isn't already whale-sized, she just announced that she's donating $5,000 to provide scholarships to needy kids who want to attend Whale Camp on Grand Manan Island in the Bay of Fundy! How can you not love and admire that?
In honor of this awesome lady and her kick-ass books, I am pleased to help pimp the release of the final installment in this series.
In honor of this awesome lady and her kick-ass books, I am pleased to help pimp the release of the final installment in this series.

I am so frakkin' excited about the conclusion of Gavin & Zoe's adventures and if you've also read these books, then I'm sure you are too!
BE WARNED: This book contains graphic language, sex, and violence. NOT SUITABLE FOR READERS UNDER THE AGE OF 18.
He made a deal with the devil to save the woman he loves…
After a terrible accident rocks the foundation of their relationship, Australian Sentinel Gavin Cassidy and whale biologist Zoe Morgan call it quits. Gavin can’t forgive himself for shattering her trust, and being with the sexy rock star is killing Zoe. Literally.
But love—and duty—are powerful motivators, and alliances are forged in the most unlikely places. With the key to salvation locked inside the mind of an unconscious child, Gavin must find another way to snuff out the Fyre Elementals before millions of humans die, or make good on his deal with the devil and lose the one he loves. Again.
*The author will donate all profits from the sale of the JUST BREATHE trilogy to programs that educate people about whales and the challenges they face.
- INHALE (Just Breathe #1) is free on Amazon ( through the end of January.
- EXHALE is currently $2.99 for Kindle ( However, this sale won't last much longer.
And now, it's time for ME to read Just Breathe as book 2 in my Bout of Books 6.0 read-a-thon =)

Have I told you lately how much I adore you? Yes. This. THANK YOU for everything!