Random Act of Kindness: March Sign-up!

{Please click on the RAK button above to be re-directed to our Book Soulmates Store on Amazon. You can find all your favorite titles there and add them to your shopping cart.}

The March Sign up is finally here!! Yayy!!!

Isalys and I are THRILLED at the spectacular turn out we had for our February launch of the Random Act of Kindness feature. We are proud to be a part of the amazing literary blogging community and feel overwhelmed with everyone's kindness and generosity towards each other. It's incredible to see how happy people are to start making wishes happen! You all ROCK!!

Reminder: The sign up posts will be up the first Thursday of each month and are open throughout the entire month so it's never too late to sign up!

• Sign up each month you'd like to participate in.

• Show off your participation! Grab one of the buttons available :)

• Create a wishlist and post it in the Google Doc located in each R.A.K post for the month.
{Post on your blog, Amazon, where ever as long as there's a link to it.}

• If you choose to do a R.A.K for someone, check out their wishlist and contact that blogger for their address.

• At the end of the month, SHOW US YOUR R.A.K!
Make a post saying 'Thank You' to whoever granted one of your wishes and share it with us :)

Lets's keep our International bloggers in mind and in our hearts.
Remember, there's always the Book Depository and they offer FREE shipping!

Easy peasy!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Vanessa at
Twerd413 [at] gmail DOT com
or through twitter: @booksoulmates


Here are some RAKs we received :)

* Darkfever by Karen Moning
*Bloodfever by Karen Moning
Thanks to Danny of Bewitched Bookworms
a.k.a. The coolest / sweetest chick EVER
and our bloggy designer!!


* Blood of the Rose by Kate Pearce
{Which happens to be the book Isalys's quote showed up in!
What a koinkidink <-- that is sooo a word}
Thank you Donna from Book Lovers Hideaway!
Totally awesome blog!

Thank you both for making our wishes come true!!

To see everyone that has signed up & get their wish lists, click HERE!

March Sign Up Below:


  1. I think this is a wonderful thing you've done!!
    You girls are the bestest!
    When you're single let me know... I want to introduce you to my baby brother....

  2. This is so much fun, I will post later today what RAK's I got for February.

    Thank you to you and all that are participating.

  3. Signed up again, I just adore this!
    Happy Reading!!

  4. Thank you! I'm so excited to see what everyone has on their wishlists.

    I made a mistake though. My wishlist links aren't active. Is there any way you could take out the amazon one for me? They are mostly kindle books so people could email me to get my list there if they want! Then the Book Depository list would be clickable.

  5. @Everyone: Thank you!! And thanks for signing up!! We love kindness :)

    @Erika: Of course! I'll fix it now :)

    ♥ Vanessa

  6. It was really fun partcipating in this last month, so glad your doing it again! :)

  7. First timer who just signed up, very excited! Thanks for hosting such a cool event!

  8. Signed up! Thank you so so much for this!

  9. I have a question, do you have to own a blog? I'm blogless but read like a mad woman.

  10. Just mentioned this in my most recently blog post, more then happy to help spread the word! :)

  11. This is so great! I already picked out and send a few books! YAY

  12. This is such a fun idea! I just emailed someone for my first RAK.

  13. I changed my info and resigned up. Could you make the one I did today the most accurate? Thanks and this is a super idea~ I love passing on books that I have read and are in great condition/like new to other readers.

  14. I had heard of this from Ashley at Basically Amazing Books, but it was Shannon who directed me to the link. Thank you ladies!! I love this idea :-)

    Do I just pick someone random from the list & then email them for their address?

  15. I saw the feb one first and signed up for that but I'll sign up here as well. Because that makes sense!

  16. Wonderful idea!!! I just signed up =)

  17. This is my first time signing up and I absolutely LOVE the idea!

  18. Ahhh I got my first RAK books in the mail today. I am soo happy! Thank you to Jacinda and also Book Soulmates!!

    Check out my thank you post :)


  19. This might amuse you!


  20. *hangs head in extreme shame*

    I totally forgot to sign up for this month although I already got an ARC from Vanessa. I'm reading it btw Sweetie!!

    But Nely reminded me yesterday that apparently I haven't signed up.

    Hm Ok, doing this now because this is the BEST Feature ever!! Totally love it:)))

  21. I want to thank Ivy for sending my 2 amazing ebooks! Thank you so much IVY!

  22. Thank you so much for hosting Random Act of Kindness! I got These Things Hidden by Heather Gudenkauf, and here's my thank you post :D

    Brush Up On Your Reading

  23. Sorry I'm late - Where the heck did March go?

    I've made my post. Thanks again for the awesome feature!



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