We have a new BLOG SOULMATE to tell you about :)
This is our way of telling them that, "Hey, we think you're cool and we love your blog and we want the world to know this!"
{Note: This is an exclusive award and not intended for being passed on. However, our chosen blog soulmates are welcomed to do a post on their own blogs letting their followers know that, well, we like them!}

Our BLOG SOULMATE Award for this week goes to:
Bella from Obsessed!

Last year, one of my favorite bloggers took a little blogging vacay and just recently announced that SHE IS BACK *woot*!! I'm so excited that she decided to join us again because I {heart} this chick! She is without a doubt, one of the funniest, snarkiest, most honest reviewers, and raddest bloggers on the block! I, myself am sarcastic but I can't do snark the way this gal can and I love her for it because she says it like it is. I admire someone that can be that honest!
We both love PNR and UF so if I'm frustrated about a book or need a valid, honest opinion, then I know I can drop her a line and she'll be there for me (all the way from South Africa - dude, how cool is it that she's from South Africa?)
So when I found out that Bella was back, I just HAD to make her our new Blog Soulmate! I asked her to share with us 10 random facts about herself and here's what she sent :)
- Since leaving school, I’ve studied Accounting and Creative Writing, have acquired half a Law degree ... and am now saving up to attend Culinary School, which I totally blame on BBC Lifestyle and the Food Network
- I absolutely adore uplifting books, which is why The Sky is Everywhere and Chime are two of my favourites ... tear-jerkers and cliff-hangers are the banes of my existence ... I’ll take a Happily Ever After anyday!
- These are the things that freak me out: spiders, the colour beige, aubergines, fake people, monkeys.
- I like playing online games, such as World of Warcraft and Rift, which makes me a total nerd, but – hey – my imaginary life kicks your imaginary life’s ass!
- In my Imaginary Life of Awesome, I live in Kate’s world and am married to Mercy’s man ... I also have Cat’s hair, Katsa’s eyes, Elena’s wings ... and Mac’s
lover– uh – spear ... *grin*
- I am NOT a morning person!!! (!!! !!! !!!) DOOM ON YOU if you wake me up in the middle of *MY* night!!! O_O
- I’m convinced that I was born in the wrong century (millennium?) ... because, dude, I’d have made a rockin’ hunter-gatherer! Or ... or ... I could have been one of those girs pretending to be a guy and riding into battle in someone else’s shiny armour!
- I’ve worked as a waitress, reluctant model, coffee-hating Nespresso promoter, alcohol-hating Jack Daniels promoter, and have even done a stint summarizing the news for the Romanian Consul here in South Africa. I also played a soon-to-be-dead-via-volcano Random Minoan in this documentary, which was about as much fun as lungfuls of fake ash can ever be.
- I met my Sweetie Pie on his birthday ... he asked me out on Christmas ... our first date was on New Year’s Day ... we officially started dating on Valentine’s Day ... and he asked me to marry him last New Year’s Eve, exactly seven years after our first date ... none of this was planned, we’re just naturally cheesy .
- I’ll end with some of my pet peeves in books: stupid names (Ever Bloom, RENESMEE) ... main characters being paired up with mysterious hotties in class, cue insta-love (yes, I know that everything’s been done before, but this has been DONE AD NAUSEAM) ... and the über-dreaded *We Are Fated to be Together ... But We Can’t* (Luce and That Horribly Rude Guy) ... UGH.
And that, my dear friends, is The Bella in a nutshell. If you guys were cracking up at her randomness as much as I was, then you need to check out her blog [Obssessed!] and become her follower too! Like I said, she give us fun, honest reviews...cool giveaways...and lots of laughs!
♥ Isalys ♥

Yay! Welcome back chick!!
ReplyDeleteWell, I love me a snarky gal, so I'm glad you ladies introduced her to us. ;)
ReplyDeleteYay another girl WoW player!!! :D
ReplyDeleteHiya!! Aw, thanks so much for featuring me as your Blog Soulmate ... *sniff* ;D ... and you girls are awesome, too!! (",) It's really great to be back. P.S. Sorry about the email smileys, lol, they seem to have gone AWOL ... :o
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, Bella! I like snark and love to give snark! But I'm a dry sense of humor snarkest! Hard to get my snark understood-doesn't come across as well in writing as it does when you can see my face!Maybe you can give me some pointers now that you're back :o]
ReplyDeleteYou've led a really interesting life and I look forward to hearing more about it!
I am glad Bella is back, although I didn't miss her. I didn't know her. Now that I do, I am certain we are fated to be best bloggy friends! Kind of like Luce and that moody, morose dark angel guy.
ReplyDeleteOr not...
@ Kristi Thank you! BTW I totally heart your blog! :) Also, don't worry ... I have many of those days, too ... sadly, snark is an elusive bastard ... :o
ReplyDeleteWe all are had good experience with our soulmates and never forget that time which we spend with them. We are deeply connected with that person and share our every thought with each other.