Vanessa's Challenges for 2009
(Wish me luck!!)
I've never done challenges ere goes nothing...
Here are the challenges I'll be trying to complete this year. I'm starting half way through the year so lets see how many I can accomplish (while trying to go to school, work full time, hang with family, and TRY to have a social life! LOL!)
*I'll be updating this post often*
The British paper, The Guardian, has come up with a list of 1000 Novels Everyone Must Read Before They Die. (In case they take that link down, I've also posted the list here.)
So, the challenge is to read and review 10 books off the list (that's 1%) between February 1st of 2009 and February 1st of 2010.
Of these 10, you must read 1 from each category and, if possible, 1 should be a book you have never heard of until you saw it on this list.
Feel free to complain about certain books being included or not included.
Also, they have broken the list into smaller sections, with annotations, so you can see what a book is about before you check it out.
I will be adding the books I've read here:
♥2nd Challenge♥
Romance Reading Challenge - Host: The BookWorm
1. Now, "Romance" isn't limited to steamy Harlequin novels. There is a huge selection of books in this category such as contemporary romance, historical romance, romantic suspense and paranormal romance to name a few. As long as the story has romantic love between the two main characters your selection will fit this challenge. The novels do not need to have a happy ending either, there can also be unrequited love.
2. Choose at least 5 novels read them between Jan 1st though Dec 31st 2009. You can change your choices at any time. Crossovers between other challenges are fine.
3. Read them at your own pace in 2009 then come here and post the link to your review(s).
4. Link your "RRC" choices here with any of these graphics:
I will be adding the books I've read here:
1. Devlin Diary - Christi Phillips
2. My Forbidden Desire - Carolyn Jewel
3. Seduce Me - Robyn DeHart
♥3rd Challenge♥
Young Adult Book Challenge - Host: J. Kaye

Guidelines for 2009 Young Adult Book Challenge
1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.
2. Read 12 Young Adult novels. No need to list your books in advance. You may select books as you go. Even if you list them now, you can change the list if needed.
3. Challenge begins January thru December, 2009.
4. You can join anytime between now and December 31, 2009.
I will be adding the books I've read here:
1. Hunted - House of Night Series by P.C. Cast (Review Coming Soon)
2. Kissed by an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler (Review Coming Soon)
3. Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
♥4th Challenge♥
Jean Plaidy Challenge - Host: Royal Intrigue
Royal Intrigue is hosting a Jean Plaidy reading challenge for 2009. The object is to read as much Jean Plaidy as you can and report back here with your numbers. They’ll be giving out awards at the end of the year!
That's it for now!!
Wish me LUCK!!
Wanted to stop in and welcome you to the YA Reading Challenge. Links to post your reviews can be found by clicking the Reading Challenges at J. Kaye’s Book Blog located in the left sidebar. Just scroll down and find the challenge you signed up for and it will be listed under that. This is, of course, totally optional.
ReplyDeleteHave Fun!
THese all look like great challenges, I know it is geeky of me but I almost can't wait for 2010 to start so I can start new challenges. I went through a phase a few years ago where I read romance and now am getting back into it. I may still join that challenge. Great blog by the way.
ReplyDeleteThanks J Kaye for the info! I will definitely have fun! :)
ReplyDeleteMomma Hunt, I too cannot wait for 2010 so I can start the challenges from the very beginning! :)