Book Blits Book Tour: With Love by Shawnte Borris


Her life was all set…she had everything she had ever dreamed of. Promises of forever…. But promises can be broken. Alyson Almon, or Ally as she is called, finds this out in a tragic way. The emotional scars on her heart are ones only she can feel. With a change of location and a makeover she tries to start her life anew. She is drawn to a beautiful wedding and snaps some photos, capturing the love between the bride and her father. Luke McDerment, brother of the bride, is a man who is dealing with his own loss. Their paths cross when he spies her gorgeous photos and the instant attraction is something neither of them can deny.
Luke, with the help of his family who also find themselves drawn to this haunted young woman, involve her in a project that throws her right in the middle of this loving, warm family. They have a Gala coming up and Ally is the perfect photographer to capture the moments. Ally is embraced by the family and finds that she needs the love and warmth this family gives so effortlessly. She also finds the attraction to Luke is something she can’t deny.
Can they fight the electricity between them and just walk away or will they let fate hand them the happy ending they both desperately need.

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The next morning sunlight peeked through the opened window. I slightly tossed back my hair away from my face, staring toward the early sunrise. I lay there for a while, closing my eyes and listening to the sound of the ocean waves crashing into the shore.
I decided to start the day with a hot shower. While waiting for the water to heat up, I turned on the radio, hoping that it would fill the sound of the empty room in the background, I could hear Brad Paisley singing “Wrapped Around”
It felt so good to have hot water flowing over my body. I stood in the shower in a daze. In no time at all, I remembered the first time Sam ever saw me naked.
We had been dating for two years, and it was cool, crisp night. We sat in the back oh his truck, watching the northern lights and listening to the radio. That was the first time in my life I felt safe.
I had never had anybody look at me like the way Sam did, his warm fingers softly touched the side of my face, staring into my eyes as if trying to gather my every thought.  His lips were silky soft with a slight smell of peppermint gum. His kisses were always light.  His fingers ran down my neck, slightly pulling my hair toward the center of my back.  With his trembling hands, he undid the clasp of my bra ever so lightly. Feeling cool air on my back gave me a slight shiver. Sam looked at me with his steady eyes, “Beautiful.” he whispered.
It was so powerful having our naked bodies touch with his fingers trailing over my naked breast.  I gasped to catch my breath, realizing that I was back in the shower. I grabbed the shower curtain for dear life. I NEEDED OUT!!!


Author Bio:

Shawnté lives in central Alberta, with her husband Ricky of 10 amazing years and together they have two beautiful children. Somehow her husband has managed to trick her into running a cow/calf operation. As much as she fusses about it, she loves it. 

When Shawnté is not sitting at her kitchen table hammering away on her laptop while watching the moose chase her cows across the yard, yes this really happens. Then she is busy attend school activities, communi
ty events and chauffeuring children here and there. She is big on playing softball and watching hockey.
When the time comes to relax, you will find her snuggled underneath her down comforter reading on her Ipad. Wait…who are we kidding, if the dishes, vacuuming, laundry or the bathrooms needs a hose down, you’ll always hear her say, “Just after this chapter.” She doesn’t have a favorite author or best story because everyday she falls in love with someone new. 
Shawnté is technology challenged so with the help of Lacy you can find her anywhere. Please go like her page and leave a review/star rating on the books she’s wrote.

Ways to stay connected with Shawnte Borris:



  1. This book had a lot of emotion and had me hooked from the start. I really look forward to reading more from this author.

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