New feature and Instagram Hop for book lovers! #WhatsInMyBookBag

Instagram Hop
Hi guys!! As most of you know, Isalys and I are pretty darn obsessed with sharing pictures on Instagram. As book lovers, we just feel the need to share beautiful book covers, bookmarks, stationery, and other bookish goodies. So, we were chatting about it the other day and thought how fun it would be to create a new feature where we can all share not only bookish pictures, but what we carry around in our purses! I mean come on, you KNOW we usually at least have one book (if not more) in our purses plus 10 pens and stickies and planners etc. And since we’re book lovers, we’ve decided to use the ‘What’s in my bag’ meme with a bookish twist. Enter: #WhatsInMyBookBag - get it? ‘Book bag’! Because we’re book lovers! Yeah. We’re dorks lol.

Each Saturday, we’re going to create a similar post to this where you can link up your #WhatsInMyBookBag Instagram pictures. You can then check out the other participants pictures by clicking on the links the others have provided.
Check out the easy peasy rules below :)
• Follow us, your hosts, on Instagram: @BookSoulmates
•Link up your Instagram picture for #WhatsInYourBag
Tip: To find the image URL through your phone, go to your Instagram account, click on the image you want to share, then click on the three dots located on the lower right hand side, and click on ‘Copy Share URL’.
• Please visit other participants and like and/or comment on their pictures. Let’s show each other some IG love!
That’s it! Told ya it was easy peasy! We hope you guys have a lot of fun taking pictures and making new IG friends!
Vanessa & Isalys
Now let’s get this party started! Post your links below :)


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