New Challenge: Un-Comfort Zone

Hi guys! So lately I’ve been thinking about challenges for the year as (I’m sure most of you have). I’ve really tried to keep it simple while still challenging myself to read more. With that said, I noticed that I really only gravitate towards the same books/genres… young adult, new adult, and contemporary… and sometimes SOME historical. This year I’d like to branch out more by reading different genres and trying not to judge books by their cover (yup, I’m cover lover). So I decided to challenge myself to read at least one book each month that I normally wouldn’t pick up.
If this sounds like something you’d like to do too, make a post about it using our image up there and link up below. We can keep each other accountable each month by linking up the books we’ve read. I’ll be making a post at the beginning of each month with a link up.

Genres I’ll probably read for the challenge:
• Biographies • Mystery • Christian • Horror • Personal Development • Historical Romance •

This month I’m thinking about reading:
A personal development book … just not sure which one.
Note: You DO NOT have to announce the book(s) you intend to read ahead of time. It IS an option though. :)

We’ll be using #BSMUncomfortZone as our hashtag for the books we read for the challenge :)

Good luck!
Vanessa Signature
P.S. I personally hope to read at least 10 ‘un-comfort zone’ books this year. How about you guys?
An InLinkz Link-up


  1. Sounds like a great challenge! Definitely looking forward to step out of my comfort zone :) Thanks for the challenge.

    Natasha @ Dreamland Teenage Fantasy

  2. Hi Natasha!

    So happy you like the challenge! Hope you join us and link up so I can check out the books you'll be reading throughout the year :)


    1. Definitely! Hopefully I can come across a good one so I would not be put off if I ventured into a new genre :D

      Looking forward to yours too and have a great reading year!

  3. Great idea for a challenge! I wanted to branch out to genres I normally avoid so I joined a challenge already for that specific genre, namely Historical Romance. I have a few genres I naturally gravitate to as well, but there are some genres I never really gave a change and I don't even know whether I like them as I never read them.

    1. That's awesome :)

      Historical romance is one of my favorite genres so if you're looking for recommendations, I'd be happy to give you a few titles that I think are good for people just getting into the genre.

      As for me, I tend to steer clear of uber-emotional books. I don't like it when books make me want to rip my heart out of my chest so...those are the probably the ones I'll work on (ie: The Fault In Our Stars, Me Before You, etc.)

      ♥Isalys / Book Soulmates

  4. I'm going to join in on this challenge. I am new to your blog, and what better way to jump right in. I love this idea. I'll probably start with crime or sci-fi since I tend to walk past those in a bookstore.

    1. Yay!! Looking forward to seeing what you read!


    2. So after a quick read of Fangirl :), I started my un-comfortzone challenge with a crime/mystery novel Before I Go to Sleep: A Novel by S. J. Watson. Heard good things about it so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

  5. This is a great challenge! I would recommend Gillian Flynn for any mystery/thrillers, though quick disclaimer her books are definitely adult and can be quite horrific (not in a gory way though). So if you're not a fan of that best stay away. Either way, hope you step out of your comfort zone with reading this year!

    1. Thanks for the recommendation! I've heard of her but didn't know her stuff was mystery/thriller. I'll definitely be adding her to my list.


  6. I read the first Gillian Flynn novel a few years back, and it was really good, so I will definitely go back yo to get. Thank you for the recommendation!

    Traci P

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