Blythe Young—a wannabe Texas princess, a heroine as plucky, driven, and desperate as Vanity Fair’s Becky Sharp—is plummeting precipitously from up- to downstairs, banging her head on every step of the Austin social ladder as she falls. Not unlike the country as a whole, Blythe has surrendered to a multitude of dubious moral choices and is now facing the disastrous consequences: bankruptcy, public humiliation, a teensy fondness for the pharmaceuticals, and no Pap smear for ten years. But worst of all, she is forced to move back into the fleabag co-op boardinghouse where she lived when she was a student at the University of Texas.
Though Blythe cares much more about the ravaged state of her nails, and how to get the ingredients for Code Warrior—Blythe’s proprietary blend of Stoli, Ativan, and Red Bull that keeps everything in focus—her soul is hanging in the balance. Only when she is in danger of losing the one friend who’s been her true moral center is she ready to face her sins and make amends.
And her penance is merciless: she must find a way to lure her former socialite friends into the tofu tenement she has been reduced to. Little does Blythe know that the ensuing collision between the pierced, tattooed, and dreadlocked inhabitants and the pampered, Kir-sipping socialites offers the only hope of finding a way out of her moral quagmire.
Blythe Young, the daughter of a white-trash biker mama, climbed the ranks of Austin's elite by marrying rich - very rich. However, thanks to her monster-in-law, she's forced into a divorce, falls from grace and falls hard! She finds herself broke, destitute, and a socialiate outcast. She attempts to keep up pretenses as an Event Coordinator to Austin's bluebloods but her world as she knew it starts to crumble after the IRS is within minutes of slapping handcuffs on her. She has no choice but to run to her old college BFF for help.
Millie takes her in with open arms, but her troubles are far from over. Here she encounters a whole new cast of characters of which most are ex-employees and are not members of the "Blythe Young Fan Club". They want nothing more than to see her tossed out on her sorry hide. Despite her poor state of affairs and Millie being the kind-hearted & generous person that she is, she insists on helping Blythe...but Blythe cannot bring herself to be totally honest with her. Before she knows it, she is on the verge of losing the one person that truly cares for her.
This book has been one of the most witty, sarcastic and cleverly written books that I've read this year :) The characters are incredibly colorful and the dialogue is downright funny. Blythe is a narrator you won't soon forget! She is cheerfully optimistic that if she can somehow avert her problems long enough, they'll just "go away". She soon learns that dodging bullets isn't the way to fix your problems or redeem yourself.
I have to admit that Blythe did annoy me at times because she wasn't the independent, self-sufficient person I wanted her to be. She was kind of whiny and had the whole "woe is me" attitude going on. However, those attitudes were part of her growing pains.
This is more than a chick-lit - this is a story of self-awareness, forgiveness, redemption, and friendship!
I give this book ★ ★ ★ ★

♥ Isalys
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Jenn’s Bookshelf: http://jennsbookshelf.blogspot.com/
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Horror and Fantasy Book Review: http://horrorandfantasybookreview.blogspot.com/
Find The Time To Read: http://www.findthetimetoread.blogspot.com/
Gaijin Mama: http://gaijinmama.wordpress.com/
Blog Business World: http://blogbusinessworld.blogspot.com/
Carolina Gal’s Literary Café: http://susansliterarycafe.blogspot.com/
My Book Views: http://my-book-views.blogspot.com/
Me, My Book and the Couch: http://memybookandthecouch.blogspot.com/
Joanne Huspek's Blog: http://joannehuspek.wordpress.com/
Power in the Blog: http://jesharris.wordpress.com/
Marta’s Meanderings: http://martasmeanderings.blogspot.com/
I love this kind of book! Someone learning to stand on their own two feet.
ReplyDeleteWow, what a great endorsement! You've definitely caught my attention with this review...it sounds lovely. If only they'd stop chopping off heads on the covers!!!!!