{Please click on the RAK button above to be re-directed to our Book Soulmates Store on Amazon. You can find all your favorite titles there and add them to your shopping cart.}
Isalys received:

Moon Called by Patricia Briggs thanks to The Life & Travels of Sullivan McPig 
Seduction & Scandal by Charlotte Featherstone from Stitch-Read-Cook
Web of Lies by Jennifer Estep and an ARC of The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater thanks to IB Book Blogging
Thank you ladies from the bottom of my bloggy heart!
Vanessa received:

Pretty Little Liars by Sara Sheperd from The Busy Bibliophile
You ROCK! Thanks so much :)
Thank you ALL for your continued participation in sharing the love of reading with others. We couldn't have asked for better bloggy friends!

PS: Don't forget to leave the links to your R.A.K. January Wrap-Up! posts so we can stop by and check out your loot!!