We're so excited to introduce our new Indie Star and BLOG SOULMATE for this week:
Kendall Grey and her BLOG
Kendall Grey, word dibbler and whale champion, was born without an off-switch between her brain and mouth. She's been called the "flux capacitor of Twitter" and "a little package of love all wrapped up in F-word paper," but she's really just a maniacal writer relaying eyewitness accounts of the rave inside her head.
Find her on:
Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads
- What made you decide to start blogging?
All the other writers were doing it, so I thought I'd better jump on the bandwagon. :-)
- Favorite and least favorite things about blogging?
My favorite thing about blogging is ranting. I do that a lot. I run off at the mouth about random topics. It feels good to vent sometimes.
My least favorite part is sticking to a set schedule. Therefore, I don't follow a schedule. I tried to, but it was too overwhelming, and honestly, not that many people want to read my blog every single day. Now I just blog when I have something important or mildly interesting/entertaining to say. No reason to blog purely for the sake of blogging. People who do that bore me.
- If you could hang out with ONE author, who would it be and why?
J.R. Ward. She's my favorite author ever, though I haven't read her last few books simply because I don't have time to read. I love her voice. Love her characters. I've seen her speak at conferences before. She's engaging and interesting. She has a great sense of humor. I think it would be most awesome to sit down and chat with her for an hour.
- What is the ONE book you tell everyone they 'have to' read?
As I said, I rarely read anything any more, but if I *had* to choose one book, I'd say J.R. Ward's "Lover Unbound." Vishous is my favorite of all the Brothers. Hawt, hawt, HAWT!
- Do you have any bookish guilty pleasures?
Man, I wish! No time to read means no time for guilty pleasures. Life sucks all around. :-(
- I *think* I have sensory integration disorder, though I've not been formally diagnosed. Loud sounds, chatter, general noise all bug the crap out of me. I must write and read in total silence - another reason I don't read books. Did I mention I have 3 loud kids? I jump a lot.
- Anyone who follows me on social networks or who has read my books knows I'm a huge whale lover and advocate. All profits from sales of my urban fantasy romance trilogy will be donated to whale education. Yeah. I love the whales THAT much. :-)
- I love to quilt and do scrap booking. I'm a total fabric whore. I can't go into a fabric shop without buying *something.* I tend to sew and scrapbook in waves. I won't do anything for months, then I'll get all creative and sew for three days straight - usually because I've hit a wall with the book in progress.
- I used to be a middle school teacher. I taught Language Arts, Science, and worked with gifted kids. While teaching, I coached Future Problem Solving teams and took several to international competitions. For those who don't know, FPS is a program that encourages kids to apply problem solving skills in creative ways to futuristic scenarios. If you're a parent - get your kid involved. It's AMAZING!
- Last but not least...I used to make and sell rubber clothing. Yep, actual clothes. Made out of rubber. I'll leave it at that. :-)

Thanks so much for inviting me to participate in this AWESOME project, ladies. I had so much fun doing this interview. Looking forward to the rest of the week!
ReplyDeleteLoud noise bothers me too. I get overwhelmed. LOL Did I mention I have a 4 month old? ;)
ReplyDeleteYOU SCRAPBOOK!?!?! Wicked cool. I do too, though I rarely find the time anymore in between blogging and work. *sigh* I wanted to be a marine biologist most of my adolescence. I LOVE dolphins, so your love for whales is totally understandable. KEEP up the great advocacy! ♥
ReplyDeleteI personally love your thought-to-mouth dysfunction. Makes you more real and hella entertaining.
OMG!! Rubber clothing! That just sounds kinky! ;) I tried to get into scrap booking, but I pretty much suck at it. I like to make friendship bracelets though. I love whales and dolphins. I actually used to want to be a marine biologist. I still do, but it's not gonna happen.
ReplyDeleteJuju - I feel your pain about the 4 month old. I had three of those at one time or other. HAHA!
ReplyDeleteSmash and Amy - Yeah, I love scrapbooking! I should probably keep it to myself so as not to tarnish my badass image (HA!), but what the eff, I gotta be me. :-) I think almost every girl has had a fascination with dolphins at one point or other. It's like we totally get them, you know? They're so graceful and beautiful. What's not to love? First time I saw a whale though, I seriously almost pissed myself. I don't believe in love at first sight with humans, but where whales are concerned, hell yes. :-)
LOL!!! You can have V... Butch isy favorite brother!!!
ReplyDeleteWard is one of my favorites too!
ReplyDeleteAnd, where exactly can one buy this rubber clothing? ;)
Great meeting you. I really admire your affection for whales and the fact that you advocate for them.
Bookish Brunette - Or we could put V and Butch together in a cage match and watch them get...er...busy. Hahaha!
ReplyDeleteMissie - I don't make or sell rubber clothes anymore. It's been years, but I still have a small personal stash. Too bad my ass has doubled in size since then. Damn kids! HA!
If it weren't for the whales, I would never have written this series. I hope that my readers will take away some appreciation for whales and maybe even engage in a little advocacy of their own, though I certainly don't want to push it on anyone. Even if they don't, whatever profits I turn will help the whales anyway, so it's all good!
Great interview! I do <3 me some Kendall, so it's always fun to see what she's up to. Can't wait for more!
ReplyDeleteVhisious is your brother??? Then I know I will like you.. he's mine too and ..damn it he's hot! But, then you have to read her second last book Payne's story - seriously.. you have to!
ReplyDeleteAnd J.R. Ward.., I wish I could meet her too!
It was nice meeting you Kendall!
Thanks, Krista! I heart you!
ReplyDeleteDanny, Vishous isn't my brother. No, that wouldn't be any fun. Oh, the things I could do to him. Hahaha! I will eventually get to Payne's book. I *know* it's awesome. Thanks for stopping by!